125th anniversary of the Swiss Bar Association

Nater Dallafior partner Benjamin Schumacher is the co-editor of the jubilee publication (Festschrift) to honour the 125th anniversary of the Swiss Bar Association - Schweizerischer Anwaltsverband (SAV). Nater Dallafior congratulates the Swiss Bar Association to its 125th anniversary!

This book, with the title "Presence and Future of the Legal Profession" ("Gegenwart und Zukunft des Anwaltsberufs") comprises 31 contributions which all address questions concerning the legal profession, including the general legal framework for lawyers, trends and developments on the legal market, new technologies, social perceptions of the legal profession, to name only a few of the topics. Please see the full table of contents below.

Besides his role as a co-editor, Benjamin Schumacher also contributed an article, together with Nater Dallafior associate Florentin Weibel, on questions pertaining the enforcement of legal fees and advances on fees ("Ohne Vorschuss (k)ein Honorar?").

Hans Nater, of counsel of Nater Dallafior, wrote an article on the development of the Federal Act on the Legal Profession (Anwaltsgesetz, BGFA).