Leaders League Ranking 2022

Leaders League has ranked Nater Dallafior and its lawyers in the category "Dispute Resolution – Switzerland's Best law firms 2022":

  • Commercial Litigation – "Excellent" (Roberto Dallafior, Hans Nater, Patrik Salzmann, Benjamin Schumacher, Maria Walter)
  • Insurance Litigation – "Excellent" (Roberto Dallafior, Benjamin Schumacher)
  • Banking & Finance Litigation – "Highly Recommended" (Roberto Dallafior)
  • International Arbitration – "Highly Recommended" (Roberto Dallafior, Zoe De Santis, Benjamin Schumacher)
Leaders League is an independent research and rating agency that provides comprehensive rankings and in-depth analysis of law firms and lawyers. The rankings are based on extensive research by an experienced team of analysts.