David F. Ehlebracht
Professional Experience
Associate with Nater Dallafior Rechtsanwälte AG, Zurich, since 2023
Admitted to the bar since 2022
Law clerk with the Administrative Court of the Canton of St. Gall (2021-2022)
Law clerk with the District Court of Winterthur (2020-2021)
Junior associate with Schellenberg Wittmer, Zurich (2019-2020)
Junior associate with Gysi & Partner, St. Gall (2017-2019)
Studies at the University of St. Gallen and Lausanne (B.A. HSG in Law and Economics, 2017; M.A. HSG in Law, 2020)
Recent Cases
Representing the interests of a listed, international industrial company in disputes with its most important supplier (amount in dispute approx. CHF 60 million)
Representation in court of a service company active in the real estate sector against a community of heirs in the enforcement of a contractual claim (amount in dispute approx. CHF 2 million)
Representation of a community of heirs in the context of an inheritance dispute (amount in dispute approx. CHF 5 million)
Representation in court of approx. 100 bond creditors in disputes against FINMA and a bank
Publications & Speaking Engagements
Nino Sievi / David F. Ehlebracht, Justitia 4.0 – Digitalisierung der Schweizer Justiz, ZZZ 2023, S. 291 ff.
Langlaufen, in: A. M. Schneuwly/R. Müller (Hrsg.), online Bergsportkommentar, Weblaw, 31 August 2023
Praxiskommentar zur Kapitalherabsetzung bei einer Unterbilanz (§90) as well as on Kapitalreduktion durch Ausscheiden aus der Genossenschaft (§92), in: F. Theus Simoni/I. Hauser/H. Bärtschi (Hrsg.), Handbuch Schweizer Genossenschaftsrecht, Basel 2022, pp. 928-941 and pp. 962-982
Regina Natsch / David F. Ehlebracht, Praxiskommentar zu grundlegenden Überlegungen zur Kapitalherabsetzung in der Genossenschaft (§89), in: F. Theus Simoni/I. Hauser/H. Bärtschi (Hrsg.), Handbuch Schweizer Genossenschaftsrecht, Basel 2022, pp. 919-927
Verantwortlichkeitsklagen gegen Mitglieder der Verwaltung und der Geschäftsführung einer Genossenschaft, Recht in Unternehmen, Nr. 34, Zürich/St. Gallen 2020
"Company foundation & Legal", Swiss CoopStarter 2021, 25th August 2021, Zurich