Dr. Mladen Stojiljković, LL.M.


Mladen Stojiljkovic focuses his practice on commercial and investment treaty arbitration, domestic and international litigation, and judgment and award enforcement. He regularly serves as arbitrator.
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  • Recognized by Who's Who Legal as "Thought Leader Global Elite – Commercial Litigation – under 45 2023"

  • Recognized by Who’s Who Legal (2021 and 2022) as one of the most highly regarded in the category "Future Leaders – Europe, Middle East, and Africa – Non-Partners – Commercial Litigation" (Europe, Middle East and Africa)

  • Who's Who Legal Future Leader (Arbitration, since 2019; Litigation, since 2018)

  • Ranked in Leader’s League (International Arbitration: "Highly Recommended"; Dispute Resolution: "Excellent")

  • Recognized in Legal 500 for Litigation and Arbitration

  • Recognized by Euromoney/Legal Media Group’s Expert Guides as “Rising Star” in “Commercial Arbitration”

Bar Admissions

  • Switzerland (2010)

  • California (2022)

Professional Experience

  • Partner at Nater Dallafior (since 2023)

  • Counsel at Vischer (2019-2023)

  • Associate at Homburger (2011-2013, 2015-2019)

  • International Counsel at Williams & Connolly, LLP (2014-2015)

  • Research Assistant for Professor George Bermann, Columbia Law School (2013-2014)

  • Assistant for Professor Helmut Heiss, University of Zurich (2007, 2009-2011)

  • Assistant for Professor Heinrich Honsell, University of Zurich (2007)


  • Columbia Law School, LL.M. (2014)

  • University of Zurich, PhD in law (2014)

  • University of Zurich, lic. iur. (2007)

Other Professional Activities

  • Arbitrator at the International Chamber of Commerce (Swiss Arbitrators List)

  • Author at Weblaws’ digital case notes (’digitaler Rechtsprechungskommentar) for Private International Law/International Civil Procedure and Arbitration and Civil Procedure

Recent Cases

  • Representing holders of Contingent Capital Awards cancelled in connection with the merger of Credit Suisse and UBS 

  • Representing Credit Suisse employees in appeals against the Federal Department of Finance in connection with cancelled outstanding variable deferred compensation 

  • Representation of holders of Credit Suisse’s Additional Tier1 capital instruments in appeals against FINMA  

  • Representing a Swiss insurance company in disputes with former independent insurance agents 

  • Representing a cybersecurity company in a dispute with a customer over the early termination of a firewall contract 

  • Representing the purchaser in a post-M&A dispute over the breach of reps and warranties in Swiss courts 

  • Representing a major European telecommunications company in Swiss litigation against a competitor

  • Representing a Serbian national in pre-judgment attachment proceedings in Switzerland, while main proceeding was pending in the State of New York 

  • Representing an Eastern European software developer in a contract dispute with a Swiss counterparty in Swiss courts 

  • Representation of US plaintiff in service of process in Switzerland under the Hague Convention of 1965 

  • Representing a Swiss company in multiple award and judgment enforcement actions brought by a foreign company 

  • Representing creditors in proceedings for the recognition and enforcement of judgments in Switzerland 

  • Representing victims of investment fraud and embezzlement in Swiss criminal proceedings and related civil claims and asset recovery actions 

  • Acting as expert witness on Swiss contract law in a proceeding in the State of Florida 

  • Acting as expert witness on Swiss law of civil procedure in a proceeding in Tel Aviv, Israel 

  • Representing a US investor in an investment treaty dispute with a European State 

  • Representing a European Investor in an investment treaty dispute with a European State 

  • Representing a Croatian company in a Vienna-seated ICC arbitration with an Austrian company 

  • Representing a Czech national in Swiss Rules arbitration regarding a disputed loan-repayment claim under lex mercatoria rules 

  • Representing in ICC arbitration a pharmaceutical company in a patent licensing arbitration with a licensee 

  • Representing in ICC arbitration a pharmaceutical company in a contract termination dispute with a distributor 

  • Emergency Arbitration and subsequent Swiss Rules proceedings representing a Turkish distributor of consumer electronics in a dispute about unlawful termination 

  • Representing a defendant in an arbitral award enforcement action brought by the award creditor (over CHF 240 million) 

  • Representing the creditor in award enforcement action in Switzerland relating to an arbital award issued in Belgrade, Serbia 

  • Acting as Sole Arbitrator in an Istanbul-seated ICC arbitration between a Turkish and an Uzbekistani company

  • Acting as Sole Arbitrator in Zurich-based Swiss Rules arbitration between a German and a Russian company relating to a construction project 

  • Acting as Co-Arbitrator in a Belgrade-seated arbitration between a Serbian and a Swiss company under the CISG and Serbian law 

  • Acting as Co-arbitrator in a Zurich-based ad hoc arbitration between a US and a European company 

Publications & Speaking Engagements

  • The Parties’ Obligations of Diligence When Challenging Arbitrators – Two Recent Cases From Switzerland and England, in: b-Arbitra (forthcoming) 

  • Der Vorausverzicht auf die Revision von Schiedsurteilen, Case Note on Decision 4A_69/2022, dRSK, Weblaw, 3. März 2023 (with A. Winter) 

  • Strenge Präklusionsvorschrift bei unbezifferten Forderungsklagen, Case Note on Decision 4A_581/2021, dRSK, Weblaw, 23. Februar 2023 (with A. Müller) 

  • Art. 18-21 LugÜ (jurisdiction in employment matters), in: Basler Kommentar, Lugano Übereinkommen, 3. Aufl., 2023 

  • Wer entscheidet über die Rechtzeitigkeit der Aberkennungsklage – Betreibungsamt oder ausländisches Schiedsgericht?, Case Note on Decision 5A_496/2021, dRSK, Weblaw, 9. September 2022 

  • Art. 30a, 261-264, 266-267, 268-270, in: Basler Kommentar, Schuldbetreibungs- und Konkursgesetz, 3. Aufl. 2022 (with M. Staehelin) 

  • Zur Substanziierungslast der nicht beweisbelasteten Partei, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Zivilprozess- und Zwangsvollstreckungsrecht (ZZZ), 57/2022, 3-6 

  • Swiss Federal Court addresses waiver clause under Article 192 PILA, Case Note on Decision 4A_382/2021, in digitaler Rechtsprechungskommentar (dRSK), Weblaw, 16. Dezember 2021 

  • Contract Interpretation under the CISG from the perspective of Swiss law: selected issues, in: Unifikacija prava i pravna sigurnost, Zbornik radova 33. Susreta Kopaoničke škole prirodnog prava – Slobodan Perović, Tom III, Belgrad, 2020, 53-63 

  • Subjective Interpretation of Arbitration Agreements and Judicial Review, Case Note on Decision 4A_418/2019, dRSK, Weblaw, 24. September 2020 

  • Burden and Standard of Proof in Investment Arbitration, in Investment Treaty Arbitration Law Review, 5th Ed., 2020 (with D. Favalli) 

  • Arrestprosequierung mittels Schiedsklage, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Zivilprozess- und Zwangsvollstreckungsrecht (ZZZ), 2020, 21-29 

  • Zur Auslegung von Schiedsvereinbarungen, Case Note on Decision 4A_342/2019, dRSK, Weblaw, 31. März 2020 (with S. Pfenninger) 

  • Swiss Federal Court Addresses Jurisdiction and Admissibility in CAS Arbitration, Case Note on Decision 4A_413/2019, dRSK, Weblaw, 17. Dezember 2019 

  • State Immunity from Enforcement and the New York Convention, Case Note on Decision 5A_942/2017 (BGE 144 III 441), dRSK, Weblaw, 30. September 2019 

  • Non-Signatories and Article II of the New York Convention, Case Note on Decision 4A_646/2018 (BGE 145 III 199), dRSK, Weblaw, 22. Juli 2019 

  • Zur Schiedsfähigkeit arbeitsrechtlicher Streitigkeiten, Case Note on Decision 4A_7/2018 (BGE 144 III 235), dRSK, Weblaw, 31. Mai 2018 

  • Arbitration clauses in corporate bylaws, Case Note on Decision 4A_344/2017, dRSK, Weblaw, 21. März 2018 

  • The arbitration agreement: an unreviewable finding of fact?, Case Note on Decision 4A_150/2017, dRSK, Weblaw, 21. Februar 2018 

  • Waiving any recourse against the arbitral award – do parties waive also the right to request revision?, Case Note on Decision 4A_53/2017 (BGE 143 III 589), dRSK, Weblaw, 19. Dezember 2017 

  • Swiss Supreme Court Addresses Judicial Reviewability of Interim Awards on Jurisdiction, Case Note on Decision 4A_98/2017 (BGE 143 III 462), dRSK, Weblaw, 18. August 2017 

  • Challenging Interim Awards on Jurisdiction in Swiss-seated Arbitrations, Euromoney Commercial Arbitration Expert Guide 2017 (with G. Naegeli) 

  • Arbitral Jurisdiction and Court Review: Three Swiss Federal Supreme Court Decisions to Reconsider, ASA Bulletin 4/2016, 897-913 

  • The Challenge of an Arbitral Award on the Basis of Pararegulatory Texts, in: D. Favalli (Hrsg.), Sense and Nonsense of Guidelines, Rules and Other Pararegulatory Texts, ASA Special Series No. 37, 2015 (with B. Gross) 

  • Art. 18-21 LugÜ (jurisdiction in employment matters), in: Basler Kommentar, Lugano Übereinkommen, 1st ed. 2011 und 2nd ed. 2015 (both with B. Meyer) 

  • Die Kontrolle der schiedsgerichtlichen Zuständigkeit, Zürich/St. Gallen 2014 (Diss. Zürich 2014) 

  • Perjury in Arbitral Proceedings, Global Arbitration Review, 29. Juli 2011 (with T. Müller) 

  • Untaugliches Widerspruchsverfahren im Kartellrecht – Wenn Firmen auf offene Fragen nach dem Erlaubten keine Antwort erhalten, in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Nr. 163, 17. Juli 2009 (with K. Neff) 

  • Technology and Latest Developments in Arbitration, Crypto Arbitration, Moldova Arbitration Days, Chisinau, Moldova, 7 May 2024  

  • Striving for "Perfect" Arbitration Legislation, Cambridge Arbitration Day, Cambridge, UK, 20 April 2024 

  • Disputes in Uncertain Times, DIS40 Zurich, Genf, 30 November 2022 

  • Diversity in Arbitration, Belgrade Arbitration Conference 2022, Belgrade, 1 April 2022 

  • Is Joinder in Arbitration Up to the Challenge, ICC YAF & YAAP, Vienna/online, 27 March 2021 

  • Utjecaj pandemije Covid-19 na arbitražni postupak – izazovi, iskustva i (tehnološka) rješenja – Influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the arbitral procedure – challenges, experience, and (technological) solutions, Young Croatian Arbitration Practitioners (YCAP)/Under 40 Section of the Serbian Arbitraiton Association, online, 8 May 2020 

  • Dos and Dont's of Cross-Examination, Cross-Examination Workshop, ASA Below 40/Swiss Chambers' Arbitration Institution/Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Genf, 28 February 2019 

  • Structuring Dispute Resolution Clauses in Investment Projects: Dos and Don’t's, Sarajevo Arbitration Days, Sarajevo, 24 October 2018 

  • The Brush-up of Chapter 12 of the Swiss Private International Law Act, Belgrade Arbitration Conference 2018, Belgrade, March 2018 

  • The Arbitrator's Duty to Disclose Potential Conflicts, ICC Young Arbitrators' Forum, Zurich, 8 December 2017 

  • Determining the Arbitral Procedure, ASA Below 40, Genf, June 2016 

  • The Arbitrator as Settlement Facilitator, Guest Lecture in Course "Advocacy in International Arbitration", Yale Law School, New Haven (CT), April 2016 

  • Jurisdiction and Choice of Law, Guest Lecture in Course "Advocacy in International Arbitration", Yale Law School, New Haven (CT), February 2015 

I am super impressed by the team at Nater Dallafior and Mladen Stojiljkovic in particular. [...] He is super responsive. I can reach him at any time of day, and he is a great counsel.


Chambers & Partners - client feedback

Mladen Stojiljkovic achieves recognition as a top litigator who is appreciated by clients as a ‘practitioner with great academic background and a pleasure to work with.


Mladen is [a] brilliant arbitration practitioner.


Highly regarded for his top-tier counsel work.



International Arbitration

Commercial & Corporate Litigation

Insolvency Disputes & Asset Recovery